Neet Ayush Counsellig

Neet Ayush Counsellig

In this article we will discuss about NEET UG Counseling 2020, Admission Process,  Cutoff of NEET UG 2020 ,Fees Structure, Counseling Schedule, Counseling Type.
We will discussion in Details about NEET UG 2020 AIQ Counseling, NEET UG 2020 State Counseling ProcessList of Colleges, Cutoff, Fees Structure and admission process
NEET UG AIQ Counseling will be conducted by MCC and NEET UG  State Counseling will be conducted for State by DGME of State, All Admisison in any medical/dental colleges will be thorugh NEET UG Couseling Process. NEET UG Counselling 2020 is expected to begin from October 2020

Counseling Types 
NEET UG All India Quota Counseling 
NEET UG State Quota Counseling 
